Fireworks stores do brisk business on New Year's Eve

While tens of thousands attended public shows and fireworks displays across the metro Atlanta area to welcome in 2019, others had their own celebrations.  Fireworks stores across Georgia did a brisk business New Year's Eve.

Sky King Fireworks in Smyrna was packed all day Monday with people wanting to see 2018 go out with a bang. 

"I wanted the biggest bang for the buck," said shopper Erin Mills. 

Greg Cook with Sky King says sales have been fast and furious all day. 

"People were coming out late, it's been quite a busy evening," said Cook.

For Amy Brewton, fireworks with friends on New Year's Eve is a tradition. 

"It's so much more fun at home, you can just relax and be with your family and friends," said Brewton.

With just a few hours to go before 2019, Bates Hite had a shopping cart filled with fireworks.  He says he's going to have a blast with his neighbors. 

"Going to light them all off at once, it should take a little more than 2 minutes, just going to let them rip," said Hite.