72-year-old woman with mental health concerns gone missing

Myrtha Chenevert (Credit: DeKalb County Police Department)

A 72-year-old woman officials say has been diagnosed with Schizophrenia and has recently become more aggressive has gone missing in Lithonia. DeKalb County police believe she may be trying to hitchhike her way to Chicago.

A Mattie's Call, Georgia's emergency missing alert for disabled or elderly persons, has since been issued.

Myrtha Chenevert was last seen at 4 a.m. in the 6000 block of Great Oaks Drive.

Police say she is 5-feet-10-inches tall, about 170 pounds and has black hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a blue dress and white sneakers. Officials also say she was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.

Chenevert lives in Georgia under the state's guardianship. Officials believe she is trying to get to Chicago where her family lives.

If you see her, call the DeKalb County Police Department at 770-724-7710.

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