Blaze in Hall County chicken house kills 20 horses

A chicken house being rented out to house horse went up in flames on Friday in Hall County.

The Hall County Fire Services said they got the call around 10 p.m. They were called to a farm in the 4100 block of Pillsbury Road off Three Bridges Road in East Hall County.

Firefighters said the 200-foot long chicken house was about 70 percent involved. Crews were forced to shuttle water from a hydrant about six-tenths of a mile away.

Twenty horses and two dogs perished in the blaze.

Hall County Public Works put down sand and gravel near the first due to the icing from filling the fire trucks with water.

No firefighters were injured in the blaze.

A spokesperson for the Hall County Fire Services said the official cause of the fire is "undetermined and accidental." and that there will be no criminal charges brought.