Payroll problems plague Atlanta firefighters, union rep says

Atlanta depends on firefighters being ready to do their duty. 

However, countless men and women from the agency say they are unable to depend on City Hall to provide them with all the wages they have earned.

A union leader appeared at the Monday meeting of the Atlanta City Council with a message. 

"Make the call, go across the hall, and tell them to fix it," said Nate Bailey, president of the International Association of Atlanta Firefighters.

Bailey is seeking the council's help to weigh-in on what apparently are some difficult talks between firefighters and the administration of Mayor Andre Dickens. 

The union leader did not specify where the pay problem originated. 

The Dickens administration told FOX 5 it has to do with new software that all city departments are required to use for attendance and wages. 

The fire department has yet to fully integrate its records. 

The city will put out a notice for any staffer to meet with finance officials to work out the discrepancies. 

Some of the firefighters say they are owed thousands of dollars in back wages.