Fire department offers chance to win free engine ride

A local fire department has launched a summer contest sure to appeal to the kid in everyone. Right now, the Marietta Fire Department is offering up a chance to win a ride in a real fire engine!


The contest runs through July 31 and entering is as easy as visiting the Marietta Fire Museum and paying attention to the exhibits inside.  Visitors can get a form located just inside the museum entrance, then tour the museum and answer the five questions listed on the form.  Entrants should return the completed form to the drawing box in the museum, and everyone who gets all five answers correct is entered into a drawing for the fire engine ride. 

The winner will be selected on August 1, and the ride must be scheduled but the end of the month.  The contest is open to museum visitors as young as five years old, but anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.  The Marietta Fire Museum, by the way, is free to visitors and contains a fascinating collection of Marietta Fire memorabilia and equipment stretching back to the 1800s.

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Good Day Atlanta's Paul Milliken spent the morning inside the Marietta Fire Museum, learning more about the contest and checking out the museum's collection.