Cumming boy's charity fights childhood hunger
CUMMING, Ga. - A Cumming middle school student has raised thousands of dollars to fight child hunger.
Devon Hirsch, 13, is a seventh grader at Piney Grove Middle School and now runs a charity called Giving Grub.
He said he was in fifth grade when he noticed that not all of his classmates could afford to buy lunch.
"I was at school and I saw that kids were getting reduced or free lunches," Devon told FOX 5. "I wondered then what do they do in the summer and on the weekends."
Devon went to his father and asked about it. Not long after, the young boy decided he wanted to help.
If you'd like to help Devon raise money, you can stop by Grub Burger Bar in Cumming. A portion of Tuesday's sales will be donated to Devon's charity. For more ways to help watch the video above!
Learn more about Giving Grub here.