Scans clear for Eatonton girl who battled brain cancer

Photos courtesy of Brandy Angel Photography
ATLANTA - A 10-year-old girl from Eatonton, Georgia, who won her battle against brain cancer, received great news at a doctor's appointment this week. Scans came back clear for Cadence Fox -- showing no evidence of disease!
"Cadence is in the clear for another three months," mother Tara Fox said on Facebook on Wednesday. "Thanks for all the prayers!"
In May of 2015, doctors discovered a mass on Cadence's pituitary gland and her parents rushed her to Egleston Hospital. Her mother told FOX 5 News that her daughter had two germinoma cancer tumors on her brain. Cadence's treatment consisted of four rounds of chemotherapy and six weeks of radiation.
Last December, Cadence went in for an MRI and learned something her family had been hoping and praying to hear for quite some time: she was cancer free.
"Just got the phone call and Cadence's scans are CLEAR!!" Fox said. "We are in remission."
Fox said her family couldn't stop smiling after learning the news and it brought tears to her daughter's eyes.
"She even told me 'we won this battle mama,'" Fox said on Facebook.
Cadence will continue having MRIs every three months.
"Unfortunately with cancer, it can always come back, so we have to keep an eye on things," Fox previously said. "We also worry about secondary cancers because of the treatment."
FOX 5 learned about Cadence's fight against cancer through Georgia based photographer Brandy Angel, who featured Cadence on Facebook and her website "Be The Change." The Brandy Angel Foundation works to help anyone in need by sharing their images and stories through social media.
Angel previously said one of the most impressive things she's heard came from Cadence.
"Cadence's mom Tara told me how Cadence has never once complained about her treatments and the first time they hooked up her chemo treatment Tara began to cry at the thought of poison going into her daughter's tiny body," said Angel. "Cadence looked at her mom and said 'mom it's ok, it's JUST CHEMO.' These little warriors never cease to amaze me with their strength and heart."
To follow updates on Cadence's journey and fight against cancer, click here. If you would like to donate toward medical expenses, click here.