Sailor awakes to sea lion

A baby sea lion sneaks onto a boat and takes snooze! The boat owner captured the unexpected visitor's excursion on his cell phone camera.

Sailor Michael Duffy didn't expect to see the sea lion around 2:30 a.m. just sitting feet from his bed.

"I woke up and heard snoring and sneezing," said Duffy. "Curled up just like a dog right on the bunk. It was pretty clear this little guy was not going to do me any harm but I didn't want him there."

The little guy dubbed "Gilligan" hopped on board Duffy's 41-foot Kittenburg Sloop sometime during the night.

Duffy persuaded the reluctant rascal to make his way off the boat. He couldn't help but laugh along the way.

Little Gilligan took his time saying goodbye before eventually leaving.