Record-breaking Fleece Shorn From Weighed-Down Sheep

(STORYFUL) A merino sheep from Canberra claimed the unofficial world record for the heaviest fleece on Thursday, September 3. The RSPCA called in champion shearer Ian Ellkins to save Chris the sheep, who was reportedly struggling to move under the weight of his woolly coat.

The fleece weighed 40.5kg, smashing the previous 27kg record set by a New Zealand sheep Shrek in 2004. RSPCA officials estimate that Chris managed to escape shearing for over five years.



Twitter user Tammy Ven Dange said sheep "Chris" had a pink stain visible on his body after the shave.

"Note that the pink stain is antiseptic spray," said Dange. 



Dange said "Chris" had some minor health concerns under the wool, but luckily they got to it before summertime.