Atlanta Humane Society rescues dozens of beagles from facility that breeds animals for testing

The Atlanta Humane Society is calling for support after the shelter came in possession of dozens of beagles bred for animal testing.
ATLANTA - The Atlanta Humane Society is calling for support after the shelter recently rescued dozens of beagles bred for animal testing.
Atlanta Humane Society said it received 27 beagles from the facility, and they likely have medical conditions that are expensive to treat. The shelter is looking for monetary donations to help cover the costs.
The shelter said the dogs will appear on the website when they are ready for adoption, but didn't estimate when that might be. Interested people can sign up for breed-specific alerts at Adoptions are first-come, first-served and the shelter does not place holds on animals.
A humane society spokesperson said the beagles arrived at the shelter on Wednesday and settled into cozy kennels immediately.
Call 404-875-5331 for more information or log onto the Atlanta Humane Society website.