Amazon testing grocery subscription service in these cities

Amazon is piloting a grocery delivery subscription service that would give Prime members in select cities unlimited grocery deliveries for $9.99 a month.

Amazon said in an email that all Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods Market deliveries over $35 will be included in the subscription. Prime members pay $139 a year for faster shipping, free delivery on non-grocery items and other perks.

The retail giant is testing the subscription service in three cities: Denver, Colorado; Sacramento, California; and Columbus, Ohio.


Amazon Fresh Delivery (Amazon)

"We’re always experimenting with features to make shopping easier, faster, and more affordable, and we look forward to hearing how members who take advantage of this offer respond," Tony Hoggett, senior vice president of worldwide grocery stores for Amazon, said in a prepared statement.

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In August, Amazon began offering its Fresh grocery delivery service to customers who aren’t Prime members. Non-Prime members pay $13.95 for deliveries under $50. That’s $4 more than Prime members have to pay for the same order size.

In February of this year, Amazon Fresh upped the spending minimum for free grocery delivery. Before the change, Prime members received free deliveries for orders over $35. That was upped to a $9.95 fee for orders under $50, with a $6.95 fee for orders between $50 and $100 and a $3.95 fee for orders between $100 and $150.
