Injectable love hormone could make you kinder

Put away the Botox and Juvederm, because the latest injectable to take the world by storm may actually be a love hormone!


Oxytocin – no, not Oxycontin – is being dubbed the ‘cuddle chemical’ and it could make you nicer towards strangers.


According to the Daily Mail: “An experiment was conducted among wild gray seals given shots of the hormone oxytocin – known to forge emotional bonds between mothers and babies, and romantic partners. Scientists found that after the jabs, newly introduced seals instantly hit it off, seeking out each other’s company and keeping physically close.”

The study found the effects of the hormone lasted up to two days on the seals, which also included a drop in any sort of aggressive behavior.


While no seals were harmed in the research, the effects have yet to be tested on humans.


So maybe one day instead of fighting with your partner, you’ll be able to just reach for the needle instead!