Georgia lawmaker wants to classify 'sliding' as carjacking

Police call it "sliding," when a criminal slides into someone's car as they pump gas and drives away.  Now, a Georgia lawmaker wants to update the state's carjacking statute to include "sliding."

Representative William Boddie, D- East Point, filed House Bill 67, which would create two distinct categories of hijacking a motor vehicle. Criminals who use a weapon or force or intimidation to steal a car would be charged with first degree carjacking. The second degree would be reserved for those who take a vehicle without necessarily interacting with their victim.

WATCH: Hear what lawmakers have to say about the bill in their own words

"[The bill is designed] to fill in that gap where you have a crime where someone enter your vehicle without your consent and driving off and taking your vehicle without your consent," Rep. Boddie explained.

Boddie said he was inspired to file legislation to address the issue after hearing about a grandmother whose car was stolen in his district with her grandchild in the back seat.

"Slider crimes have to be addressed for the safety of our citizens and also for the businesses," said Rep. Boddie. "You know, the businesses want people to come and feel safe and we want people to feel safe when they're pumping gas and at the convenience store or wherever. They could be at their mailbox. We want them to feel safe in their vehicle just like they feel safe in their home."

Residents got the chance to hear about the proposal at a Wednesday night town hall in Rep. Boddie's district at Westlake High School. They tell FOX 5, although many feel relatively safe at a gas station, they still take an abundance of caution.

WATCH: Residents voice their concerns over 'sliders'

"I am always aware-- looking around to make sure," said one resident.

Fulton County Police said slider crimes have dropped significantly in 2017.

Members of the House of Representatives approved House Bill 67 last week and it is now up to the Senate to review the measure.

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