Weekend forecast: Raining cats and cats at Duluth's Infinite Energy Center

We’re not so sure how our own future-service dog Max would feel about this, but cat lovers will be in feline heaven this weekend as some of the most exotic and beautiful cats from across the Southeast purr their way into Metro Atlanta.

The Cotton States Cat Club presents the 79th annual Cotton States Cat Show at Duluth’s Infinite Energy Center this Saturday and Sunday, November 4th and 5th.  The show is first and foremost a competition, with both pedigree and household cats competing in front of judges for top honors.  But the Forum at the Infinite Energy Center will also be filled with vendors selling the latest products for cats and cat owners, along with rescue cats looking for forever homes.  Admission is $8 for adults and $6 for kids, and the show runs from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday.

Good Day Atlanta’s Paul Milliken spent the morning at the Infinite Energy Center getting a preview of this year’s show and spending some quality time with some new furry friends (don’t get jealous, Max!).